- the subject: place-located in real world with ecological devastation and human artifacts, or portraying an idealized version of what we want nature to be -pure and magnificent
- can include people and their stories but most focus on the natural world without people
- tends to be more formal than other genres
Landmarks in Landscape Photography
- Carleton E. Watkins
- wanted to capture the grandeur of the American West
- photographed in Yosemite Valley
- Ansel Adams
- also inspired by Yosemite Valley
- tried to capture the experience of being in the wildness
Timothy O'Sullivan (U.S., 1840-1882)
- learned from Mattew Brady
- photographed the Civil War
- photographs straightforward documents of extraordinary landscapes
- principle photographer for Gardner's book, Photographic Sketchbook of the War
- died of tuberculosis at 42
Photographing the Landscape
Thinking Artistically
composition one of the most important aspects
explore all the variations when taking shots
value especially important in black and white
good composition is to achieve a balance unity and variety
Composition, Balance, and the Rule of Thirds
composition= where to place objects within the frame or space of image
balance=how the objects relate to each other in size, value, color, and location
3 kinds of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial
Camera Settings
just after sunrise and just before sunset
easier to deal with direct lighting for distant subjects that for closer ones
closer views= overcast days that reduce the highlights and shadows
yellow filter-bring out clouds
deep black skies with stark white clouds-red filter
ultimate black skies and maximum contrast- pair with red and polarizer filter
The Grand Landscape
is the "big view" for pictures of the great outdoors
always include a large expanse of the scene
wide-angle lenses will give wider view that is needed
horizon in photograph should be placed either 1/3 from the top or bottom of image
sky always figures prominently
make clouds stand out- use polarizing, yellow, orange, or red filter
Landscape Details and Cloe-ups
direct sun in wooded areas like park or garden create difficult lighting conditions
shoot in cloudy or overcast conditions that even out the light, eliminating harsh shadows
lighter values- opening up f-stop or slowing down the shutter speed for a longer exposure
- mostly darker values-close down the f-stop or choose a faster shutter speed for shorter exposure
Abstracted Elements in the Landscape
images composed of lines, shapes, values and textures
get really close to subject and photograph only small part of it
telephoto lens for distant subjects or macro lens for closer subjects
using macro lens on small subjects=need as much depth of field as possible