Monday, September 6, 2010

Notes (p.42-48)

In this picture the green dog treat looks bigger than all the other ones.

Choosing Subject and Setting:

I decided to take a picture of this painting because it really captivated me and I also realized that by takin it at this angle I was also able to get it to reflect onto the mirror on the side of it. With this picture I also decided to go with the sepia setting to give more character and a certian mood to the painting and make it look older and in a differnt time period.


This picture was taken from a staircase to gice it a bird's eye point of view.

In this picture I had to quickly snap the picture of my lovely friend to capture her movement.

Choosing Lighting:
I took this from this angle to get the sunlight to come in from the right and hit the side of the building.

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