Sunday, March 13, 2011

With this photograph I had the opportunity to explore Photoshop and use the techniques learned and my imagination to create an entirely new image. First I started by adding color to Tommy, the dog, with the threshold tool. To do this I lassoed his entire body and duplicated it ten times. Then I went to threshold and adjusted it from lightest to darkest going down each layer. After that I went back to layer 10 and lassoed Tommy, adjusted the tolerance to zero, pressed delete, selected a color and pressed ctrl and clicked on the layer then pressed ctrl again and pressed delete. I followed this process for each layer selecting a different shade of color, lightest to darkest. I decided to go with a brown/yellow color scheme with Tommy so I wanted the background to match this so I went up to filter and selected adjustment and then color filter and added a warming filter to 41%. I also wanted to add a gradient so I made a new layer and selected the gradient tool and then went up to color/style and selected chrome gradient and customized it by choosing the noise type with a roughness of 50% and picked the linear option. After this I created the gradient using the cursor and then picked the multiply option so that it would show up in my background. To this same gradient layer I decided to add an artistic filter to it so I went up to filter → artistic and selected plastic wrap. After making all these changes, I thought the background could still use some modifications to fit better with Tommy so I boosted the saturation to 100% in the gradient layer. I then turned to the background layer and boosted the saturation to 75% to bring out the red in the rocks and make the image more dramatic. After making these changes I was satisfied with how it came out and thought best to leave it as it was and not do anything else to it because it might take away from the image and just make it seem like Photoshop mess.

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